ULFA Frequently Asked Questions

Why a union?  Why ULFA?

As elected leaders of your union, your professional association, we work each and every day on your behalf.

Membership in a union offers protection, higher earnings, access to more affordable health care, increased retirement security and so much more.  The median weekly earnings of union workers are nearly 30 percent higher than non-union workers.  Having the protections of a contract guarantee salary increases and health care benefits for the life of the contract and beyond.

You are protected by a strong contract.  You can have peace of mind knowing your salary, benefits and working conditions are established and defended.  Likewise, you can count on being defended and represented in the even of Counseling, Reprimand, or Disciplinary action.  Representation and Legal services are provided by Building Representatives, Department Representatives, ULFA Officers, NYSUT Labor Relations Specialist and NYSUT attorneys including defense and representation in 3020A, Part 83, and Section 75 hearings.  

Union membership provides its professionals with a voice in the conversation and a seat at the table when it comes to Terms and Conditions of Employment, Management decisions, Professional Development plans, Budget Development, establishment of health care premiums and more.

 What has ULFA done for me?

  • Over the last 2 contracts, there has been a negotiated 21.75% raise overall
  • negotiated the uninterupted professional preparation day
  • negotiated the snow day return in May
  • 403b increased to 1.5% of base salary
  • secured dental benefits to Teaching Assistants
  • negotiated a 403b program for all of our membership
  • negotiated eye glass/contacts benefits through NYSUT 

How do I become an ULFA member?

You can reach out to your building or department representative or email the ULFA Office Manager, Michelle O’Neill at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How do I know who my union building or department representative is?

Find our Board of Directors here (make “here” a link to the Board of Directors page)

What is the yearly dues structure?

Dues Structure For 2024 – 2025

Dues Amount       Annual Salary              Total Dues        20 Pays
Full Dues               $36,000 & Above         $842.60             $42.13
Split Dues             $34,000 -$36,000        $745.80             $37.29
¾ Dues                  $27,000 -$35,999         $657.25             $32.86
½ Dues                  $18,000 - $26,999         $477.00             $23.85
¼ Dues                  $ 9,000 – $17,999          $313.45              $15.67
1/8 Dues               Under $9,000                $236.49              $11.82

Unpaid Leave or Laid –Off                        $40.00               $2.00
Per Diem Substitute: $3.00 Per day up to 50 days ($150.00 Maximum)
Per Diem Assistant, Aide, and Opal Substitutes $1.50 per day ($100.00 Maximum)



What do my dues go toward?

NYSUT & AFT dues (large portion of the dues) 

Legal services from NYSUT

Negotiations, preparation and researching topics the district has proposed

Defending the CBA

ULFA office

Ensuring Due Diligence is provided to all employees, tenured or not


What do my dues get me?

Full protection of my current contract.

Negotiatied work conditions, pay and benefits

Should I find myself in a jam, you will get ULFA representation, NYSUT representation and NYSUT legal.

What is VOTE COPE?

It is a non-partisan political action fund  (LOBBYING funds for New York and Washington). The VOTE COPE funds are the lobbying funds to make changes.

Current issues for VOTE COPE lobbying efforts 

  • Teacher loan forgiveness program
  • Tier 5 & 6 retirement inequities
  • Continue to fight against reversing the Triborough agreement
  • Increased state aid
  • Continued right for collective bargaining
  • Triborough Agreement, should we be without a contract, ALL benefits and salary remains in place

 How can I contribute to the VOTE COPE campaign?

Normally, you contribute through payroll deduction or by check. Generally this is done when hired and during the annual VOTE COPE campaign which is held every spring.

How do I learn more about my retirement options?

You can read your Current CBA.

Check out NYSTRS website:  https://www.nystrs.org/

Attend a retirement workshop provided by ULFA (if a dues paying member)

What are SET funds and how can they be used?

SET funds are a negotiated group of funds ($175,000) that is distributed to each school, based on student enrollment.

The SET committee, composed of at least 7 ULFA members and the building administrator. Through consensus they need to determine how the funds should be spent.

There needs to be a treasurer (ULFA member) to sign off on paperwork. 

Funds can be used by those in the Teacher contract (green) or Teaching Assistants for conferences, professional development, salaries for participation outside of the contractual day

It is NOT to be used for regular salaries during the contractual day, or on supplies or for student related goods or services


What is the ULFA Summer PD grant?

It is a negotiated group of funds ($50,000) that shall be used to help provide Teachers in their certified fields of work.  Professional development activities funded under the program will be those that are proposed by teachers.  

These grants will be approved by a committee and will not exceed $2,500, to utilized after the end of the school year and before the beginning of the next school year.  (Essentially last week of June, July and August).

The grant information will be posted (generally late February or early March)  on the District website with the application process and deadlines.

What is a grievance? 

A grievance is, in essence, a violation of the contract.  Any violation, misinterpretation, misapplication or improper application of the contract could be considered a grievance.

 It is not an issue between employees.

NYSUT Member Benefits Current Offer